Company faces lawsuit over lead-tainted applesauce
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Wanabana, one of the companies that has recalled applesauce pouches due to lead contamination, is facing a possible class action lawsuit over the tainted products. Meg Oliver reports.
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Asking for a Friend is BuzzFeed News’ health advice column. Ask us anything about your body! If you’re too afraid to google or too embarrassed to ask a friend or family member, let alone a doctor, submit your questions here. Dear Asking for a Friend, I can’t breathe through my nose very well when I’m…
Now 18 years old, Noble is still getting used to using a wheelchair. She needs help with most activities like getting into bed, using the bathroom, and cooking. Among the tasks she’s gained enough strength to do on her own is her makeup routine, which she told BuzzFeed News has given her “so much power…
For those participating in “Dry January,” another potential benefit of giving up alcohol has emerged. Giving up alcoholic drinks — or reducing the amount that’s consumed — could reduce the risk of getting oral or esophageal cancer, according to a special report published in The New England Journal of Medicine on Dec. 28. Researchers from…
For the first time, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has authorized a Florida program to import certain prescription drugs in bulk from Canada. The approval paves the way for other states to request permission to import medications from Canada, where drug prices are much cheaper, to significantly cut costs for American consumers. Floria’s proposal…
You’ve probably heard that few things in life are certain except death and taxes, but we’d like to add something else to the list: cleaning up in the bathroom. So, since we have to do it, what’s the best technique? The preferred method of wiping “is not wiping,” nationally renowned anal surgeon Dr. Evan Goldstein…
“Over the last 10 years, we have begun to see statistical associations between air pollution and a whole range of brain-related issues – all the way from how children learn, the way in which their cognition changes, to mental health and increased risks of dementia.