The T-shirt chewing enzyme ready to tackle plastic waste
A French start-up is ready to use an enzyme which can break down plastic on an industrial scale.
A French start-up is ready to use an enzyme which can break down plastic on an industrial scale.
FreedomGPT, the newest kid on the AI chatbot block, looks and feels almost exactly like ChatGPT. But there’s a crucial difference: Its makers claim that it will answer any question free of censorship. The program, which was created by Age of AI, an Austin-based AI venture capital firm, and has been publicly available for just…
IF IT WERE up to my laptop’s webcam, I’d look like a potato on video calls. To make sure I don’t, I often spend the better part of an hour setting up for a 15-minute check-in. I’ll use floor lamps to offset harsh fluorescents and stack my laptop on books to meet my colleague’s gaze….
I recently staged a password intervention. One family member admitted to using the same password for every account. Another stored login credentials in iPhone Contacts. Both habits make accounts vulnerable to hackers. I had to step in. Copyright ©2024 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
iRobot’s Roomba. Source: iRobot Shares of iRobot closed down 19% on Wednesday, after a report said Amazon will not offer concessions to Europe’s antitrust watchdog in a bid to clear its planned $1.7 billion acquisition of the Roomba maker. Politico reported the companies have until the end of the day Wednesday to offer to make…
AI is increasingly being used by fitness apps and gym equipment as an alternative to human trainers.
Story highlights Africa will launch its first private satellite into space It’s been built by schoolgirls CNN  — They may be teenagers, but 17-year-old Brittany Bull and 16-year-old Sesam Mngqengqiswa have grand ambitions – to launch Africa’s first private satellite into space in 2019. They are part of a team of high school girls from…